Sheeza Veerya Poshtik Churna
‘’Sheeza Veerya Poshtik Churna’’ is a very effective and beneficial medicine for mended. ‘’Sheeza Veerya Poshtik Churna’’ creates new passion in the veins. Thickens the semen and creates an obstruction. Beneficial in a nightmare, premature ejaculation, dilution of semen, and elimination of diseases due to obstruction. Weakness of the nerves, masturbation weakness, weakness of old age. ‘’Sheeza Veerya Poshtik Churna’’ works as a panacea for other diseases. Gives strength to the heart and mind. Beneficial in general debility.
Dosage: - In case of nightfall use one teaspoon of ‘’Sheeza Veerya Poshtik Churna’’ with water on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.
In case of premature ejaculation take the same amount with milk.
Pack Size: - 100 Gm, 600 Gm.

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